Volue’s DeltaXE solution continues to support Trailstone’s profitability

Trailstone, a global energy and technology company, uses Volue’s DeltaXE solution to navigate the complexities of the energy market with precision and efficiency.

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DeltaXE is Volue’s trade and logistics software for the European power and gas markets. It serves as a real-time position management solution capturing all trades and positions across all markets. DeltaXE helps power producers and energy traders streamline their operations, and its straightforward scheduling support makes integration with European power and gas markets hassle-free. 

To date, Trailstone has helped optimise more than 18,000 MW of renewable energy assets, supported by solutions like Volue’s DeltaXE.  

About Trailstone 

Trailstone is a global renewable energy trading and asset management firm that provides risk management and energy optimisation to improve production and financial returns. The company offers a fully automated end-to-end renewable power management platform, backed by a successful track record in energy trading

Trailstone’s use of DeltaXE includes: 

  • Power scheduling in 15 European markets, including cross-border capacity management and scheduling on all interconnectors.  
  • 100% automated portfolio balancing and power scheduling. Trailstone can run its position management and scheduling in 15 European countries with only one employee, thanks to the high automation of DeltaXE.  
  • The use of DeltaXE’s real-time position views and a contract management module. 
  • A bidirectional interface that keeps all contracts in sync.
  • Fast implementation of new market changes. 
  • 24/7 operations and support.
Managing the complexity of renewable energy markets requires sophisticated technology solutions. DeltaXE is an excellent complement to our proprietary AI/ML platform and unparalleled reservoir of energy market data, allowing us to operationalise our insights for the benefit of our clients and the grid.

​Chris Lees European Power Scheduler​, Trailstone

DeltaXE has been used by Trailstone for some time now. With it they can operate effectively, efficiently and precisely in a complex environment on a pan-European scale. Rock-solid, scalable, exact real-time position management combined with reliable scheduling and nomination in all relevant market areas is a necessity in a modern power trading set-up. DeltaXE supports these requirements. By efficiently managing and nominating cross-border capacities within markets, DeltaXE facilitates smooth cross-border operations. This capability opens further avenues for power producers and energy traders, providing them with expanded opportunities in the dynamic energy landscape.

Roland PeetzSVP of Volue Energy Software

Learn more about DeltaXE

DeltaXE – Fahrplan- und Nominierungsmanagement

DeltaXE ist eine Fahrplan- und Nominierungsmanagement Lösung für die europäischen Strom- und Gasmärkte, die als Echtzeit-Positionsmanagementlösung dient und alle Geschäfte und Positionen über alle Märkte hinweg erfasst.

Energy Trading Software