Luminus Will Use More Volue Services as Part of Partnership

Belgian green energy leader Luminus adds Volue market data and forecasts to power optimisation software as part of partnership.

Luminus will Use More Volue Services

Luminus, the Belgian energy company, part of French energy conglomerate EDF, has implemented Volue software to further optimise production from its gas power plants in the Belgian reserve and spot markets.

“Luminus’ gas power plants provide stability to the power system, thus enabling a strong influx of volatile, renewable energy sources,” says Marco Boninella, Sales Manager and Solution Specialist at Volue.

The Volue power generation optimisation software enables Luminus to maximise the profits from its flexible resources.

“The increase of renewables and decentralised production units makes the optimisation world more complex and volatile. Volue software has helped us build a user-friendly, agile, and value-adding optimisation toolset to increase the value of our assets and ensure market compliance,” says Gregory Michiels, Corporate Director Optimisation at Luminus.

Following an evaluation, Luminus recently decided also to benefit from Volue market data and forecasts.

“Volue's market data and forecasts will enable us to make better decisions, further optimising our portfolio,” says Michiels.

"Volue's software has helped us build a user-friendly, agile, and value-adding optimisation toolset to increase the value of our assets and ensure market compliance."

Gregory Michiels

Corporate Director Optimisation, Luminus