Every day, utilities must respond to customer requests for grid connections. The Utility Grid Evaluation Service (UGES) automates the processing of these requests based on available grid information and the utility’s policies. This saves time and leads to consistent decisions. Analysis shows that UGES can give an initial response to up to 80% of the utility’s grid connection requests and automatically approve up to 50%.
Every day, utilities must respond to customer requests for grid connections. The Utility Grid Evaluation Service (UGES) automates the processing of these requests based on available grid information and the utility’s policies. This saves time and leads to consistent decisions.
Analysis shows that UGES can give an initial response to up to 80% of the utility’s grid connection requests and automatically approve up to 50%.
The solution is a cloud service available through Volue’s cloud platform, volue.identity.
The service provides an open API for requests and responses. A response contains both the decision itself (go/no-go), the reason why the decision was made, and the key values from the grid that are needed for continuing the work process in the grid connection management system for continuing the work process in the grid connection management system.
UGES has mechanisms that control that the data used in the decision-making is correct. If UGES detects that minor changes are required, the request will be approved with information regarding the condition of approval.
The utility can monitor the processes through dashboards. This ensures trustworthy processing of the requests and streamlines the decision flow for important workflows.
The service makes the decisions based on the current grid information, the chosen load situation, and the requested change. The following factors are taken into consideration in the decision-making:
UGES can be configured to give automated change suggestions to approve the request. An example of this is the possibility to suggest a change of service line, if all the other conditions for approval are met.
If some grid information is missing, UGES can be configured to assume values for cables and lines to get a more reasonable calculation result.
Configuration of evaluation rules
Overview of UGES
UGES is a service that orchestrate the decision flow, and uses a set of services, systems, and configurations:
UGES is delivered with open, documented APIs for requests and responses. Grid and load information is described in defined CIM profiles. Any system supporting these APIs and profiles can be integrated with UGES.
The Grid Calculation Service runs grid calculations on the low voltage circuit, which is affected by the request. The returned values are used in the evaluation process, and they are available in the response from UGES. The service contains an API for uploading grid information in a specified CIM profile.
To ensure that the utility’s policies are implemented, there is a configuration tool for the system administrator to be able to view the decision flow. If the utility decides to change one of their policies (e.g. change of threshold for short circuit values), this can be implemented and immediately all requests are handled according to the new policy.
The utility’s manager of UGES is provided with dashboards that will give an overview of the usage of the service, so that its performance can be monitored.
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Isak Bergset - Head of Sales, Power Grid