Finnish Utility Goes Live With Volue Intraday Algo Trader

Finnish utility giant Helen expects profits to increase following the implementation of trading software from Volue.


Feb 8, 2021

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“Electricity prices are likely to become more volatile, making it more complicated to efficiently maintain our balance. As the market moves to a 15-minute imbalance settlement period, we need to automate intraday trading. It is the next step in Helen’s production optimization road map. Volue provided the best solution for this purpose,” says Tomi Jussila, Senior Specialist at Helen Ltd.

Headquartered in Helsinki, Helen serves 550,000 customers throughout Finland. The utility entered into an agreement with Volue for the implementation of a powerful tool for trading in an increasingly volatile market. The Volue Intraday Algo Trader platform provides the necessary power and speed of algorithmic automation tools in order to handle trading efficiently.

Automatic execution of trades, based on an optimal trading strategy, should increase our profits

Tomi Jussila Senior Specialist at Helen Ltd.

Tomi Jussila Helen

Helen’s end users have found Volue Intraday Algo Trader easy to use, and also easy to tailor to their preferences.

“We strongly believe that the optimal trading strategy for our purpose is one that only we can define. Thus, we wanted the option to implement our trading strategy in Intraday Algo Trader instead of using some general strategy. We are pleased to find this as an option from Volue,” says Jussila.

Volue is proud to have been selected as a partner of Helen’s.

“Intraday trading is rapidly increasing throughout Europe, including the Nordic region. As a result, Volue is directing major investments into trading optimization. Having a major Nordic utility implement our solutions, proves that we are on the right track,” says Tom Darell, Head of Energy at Volue.