Join Volue at E-World Energy & Water (Essen, 20-22.02.2024), Hall 3, Booth 3G120
Jan 16, 2024
Volue’s new analytics and forecasting data helps energy producers and traders improve their planning and operations. Volue Insight Short-Term Power Forecast and Analysis, for example, provides a comprehensive market overview that helps customers optimise their continuous trading operations in the balancing, intraday and spot markets. It offers modelled and actual data for electricity consumption and production, including wind and solar power production. This data is supplemented with key market information such as large power plant or transmission line outages and with historical climate data, generating insights into potential future electricity production and consumption.
Volue’s Gas Market Analysis product provides robust data and insights that help customers make informed decisions in the dynamic and complex gas markets. The information package offers technical data and forecasts relating to gas consumption, supply, production, storage and trading. It provides pipeline and LNG supply and gas production forecasts with a two-year forecast horizon. It also includes closing prices, profiled forward curves and price forecasts for the main European hubs, again with a two-year horizon.
Volue offers complete automated trading solutions. Algo Trader Gas is a SaaS solution that enables seamless and reliable automated spot trading in the gas markets. It also supports algo futures trading on OTC venues and forward/futures markets.
Volue is also presenting solutions for economically optimised asset deployment and automated power trading/balancing energy bidding. Our solutions cover the entire value chain, from production (fuel, wind, solar, etc.) to the market. They allow users to significantly increase their energy assets’ returns, even outside of regular working hours. Volue’s automated solutions take supply obligations and other constraints into account, ensuring that automated marketing is only carried out for spare capacity on the spot market or balancing energy market, for example. They can be used with individual assets and complex systems with sector coupling or virtual power plants.