Useful Resources on Gas: A Round-Up

With gas in the spotlight, we look at useful resources that will benefit the work of energy professionals.


Apr 21, 2022

Animated gas pipeline

Online gas dashboard

In the EU, gas prices run high while storage levels run low. Now there is a new resource that visualises this new reality.

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) has created an online dashboard to support stakeholders and policymakers in better understanding European gas flows, LNG, and storage levels.

The interactive dashboard is based on the data of gas supply corridors and risk groups from ENTSOG’s Transparency Platform and from the Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI).

The data is updated regularly and provides a great deal of insight.

Report on gas shortage regulation

The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators has published a report on gas storage regulation and indicators across the European Union.

The report is especially relevant in the context of the current discussions about new policies on filling EU storage facilities by next winter. It aims to get clarity and verify the underground gas storage (UGS) levels used in ENTSOG’s Winter Supply Outlook 2021/22. It also aims to collect information on the type of UGS regulations and storage obligations (where applicable). To find out more, read the full report.

Study on impact of the energy transition on trading

In its recent study "Trading Our Way to Net Zero" Oliver Wyman, an international management consulting firm, examines the role of sophisticated commodity trading in the energy transition and explains why traders have every reason for a bullish view of the market.

The study takes a close look at how energy transition volatility can be turned into a benefit, what this volatility means for traders, and what impact energy transition will have on trading in the short, medium and long term.

Every transition brings with it the promise of change. Those who can best adapt to the changing conditions and strategise accordingly stand to benefit the most.