Volue Day-Ahead Bidding

Volue Day-Ahead supports and automates the bidding process for participation in the NordPool day-ahead market.

Image of a men working in the household with a laptop to representVolue Day-Ahead Bidding

Volue Day-Ahead supports the bidding process for participation in the physical day-ahead market managed by NordPool through management of market portfolios and internal subportfolios, aggregation and disaggregation of subportfolios, and communication of bids and results through exchange API. 

Automated Day-Ahead Bidding

Automated Day-Ahead Bidding

Manages portfolios and automates the sending of bids for participants in the physical day-ahead market managed by NordPool .

Supports Various Portfolio Types

Supports Various Portfolio Types

Support for populating bids for various types of portfolios.

Integrates to Production Planning Solutions

Integrates to Production Planning Solutions

Well-integrated with Volue's production planning solutions.

New SaaS Solution in Development for Day-Ahead Bidding

Volue is currently in the process of developing a new solution for automated day-ahead bidding:

  • The new solution will be a native SaaS
  • Addressing the upcoming market changes (15-minute day-ahead from 2025 and intraday auctions)
  • Expanding to additional exchanges (primarily EPEX)

Do you want to know more about Volue Day-Ahead?

Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Richard Schytte, Chief Commercial Officer

Richard Schytte, Chief Commercial Officer