Spark: Closing Gaps in the Neighbourhood Energy System

Close the gaps in the neighbourhood energy system. Leverage our APIs to deliver unparalleled value to your customers. Maximise the potential of distributed energy resources by facilitating their active participation in transitioning to a sustainable energy ecosystem.

Smarter energy coordination through the Spark Ecosystem 

The rollout of solar rooftops is gaining significant momentum as Europe aims to put solar panels on new public, commercial and residential buildings. By 2030 there will be 200 million distributed energy resources (DERs) in Europe alone. This includes rooftop solar, small wind and hydro, as well as storage such as electric vehicles (EVs) and residential water heaters.

We are confident that the grid's challenges on this journey can be solved proactively. By leveraging distributed energy resources (DERs) we can facilitate a more intelligent use of the power grid.

That is why we are building an ecosystem of partnerships and services that will seamlessly integrate connected resources within a sustainable and scalable neighbourhood energy system.

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Join the Spark partner ecosystem

We are building a partner ecosystem of smart charging service providers, EV manufacturers, grid operators and many more. We’d like to hear from you and explore the possibilities together!
Sigrid Lønn, Manager Partners & Alliances

Sigrid Lønn, Manager Partners & Alliances

An EV charger positioned beside an EV's charging slot

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