Next Generation Weather Forecasting

Envision making decisions with weather-driven fundamental models with better accuracy, more frequent updates of forecasts closer to the decision deadlines, and capability for local area forecasts. All of this, while unleashing the power of AI. That is the driving force behind the Insight2Zero development initiative.

windmills with mountains in the background

Insight by Volue provides all participants in the energy markets with the necessary decision-making support they need in terms of fundamental and price forecasts. The goal of the Insight2Zero development initiative is to bring the forecasting and decision support tools into a new era of technological advancements. The programme consists of several ongoing and upcoming projects to futureproof the Insight by Volue platform. 

The Insight2Zero development initiative

  • Insight by Volue analysis indicates that by 2030, the share of renewables in the energy mix will increase from today’s 50% to approximately 75% in the European energy mix. Given that these renewable assets are predominantly powered by weather, it is crucial to understand the implications on weather-driven fundamental data.  
  • With the Insight2Zero initiative, we are committed to providing our customers with even deeper insights into these dynamics.
black sky with lightning

What can you expect?

  • Forecasts with higher accuracy based on AI 
  • Increased frequency of the forecast updates  
  • Possibilities for local weather predictions
  • Enhanced user experience of the Insight app
  • Extended decision support for imbalance markets
  • Better automated handling of data quality  
  • More robust and flexible platform for model development 
    sunlight through trees

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    Would you like more information or a free trial? Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Carsten Focke-Wenzel

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