Volue Local Energy Coordination

Experience seamless efficiency and ensure the vitality of your low-voltage grid, day in and day out. Say hello to the power of smart local coordination. This game-changer enables you to effortlessly handle the surge in solar energy and electric vehicle adoption and unlocks the untapped potential of optimising energy distribution right within your community. Get ready to revolutionise your operations and embrace a greener, smarter future.

Spark Local Energy Coordination

Ready for Future Challenges

Our goal is to facilitate the integration of renewable assets while maintaining a healthy and stable low-voltage grid. Increased electrification and renewable rollout will be challenging, but we see a future in which all these assets communicate locally to maximise their potential in a grid-aware manner.

Grid-aware energy coordination

Grid-aware energy coordination

Harmonise production and consumption locally to optimise grid operations, reduce inefficiencies, and increase reliability.

Get easy access

Get easy access

We provide direct access to the DER network without individual contracts for each asset. It's a convenient one-stop shop for all the resources you need.

Build the green tomorrow

Build the green tomorrow

Be a part of the solution to climate change by participating in the transition to a more sustainable, smarter energy system.

Use cases

Make sure you can keep the power for more people by reducing the demand for a short period when you have maintenance or outages.

  • During a surplus of solar production, you can incentivise charging cars, heaters and other batteries.
  • During high consumption, enable peak savings through smart charging.
  • When the field worker wants to reconnect/reconfigure the grid after an outage, you can request DERs like EVs to stop or start charging in a desired neighbourhood.
  • When operations central wants to request a change in DER behaviour remotely via a single access point.
House with roof covered in solar panels

The vision

Imagine a future where clean energy powers our cities and communities, where we all work together towards a shared goal of a healthy power grid, faster adoption of renewable energy, and, ultimately, net zero cities. 

We recognise the critical role you play in creating this future. Our priority is to build a thriving ecosystem of partners who share this vision and passion for sustainability. Together, we can establish a flexible grid that benefits the environment and generates long-term value for everyone involved.

Do you want to know more about our solutions for local energy coordination?

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Sigrid Lønn, Manager Partners & Alliances

Sigrid Lønn, Manager Partners & Alliances